September 1, 2018 @ 9:00 AM

Who taught you how to parent your children? You probably didn’t learn it in school. Did you learn how to parent from your mom and dad? Did you learn by “trial and error?” Parenting the next generation is a daunting task indeed. All of us need help in learning how to do it biblically. We want to reach the hearts of our children, not simply get external compliance. Elsie and I want to come alongside you and help you do that.

We are launching the biblical parenting class, Growing Kids God’s Way. Originally released in 1986 and updated in 1996, the Growing Kids God’s Way Series 5th edition, (DVDs and Workbook) was the first major parenting curriculum written for the Christian community, and has since served over two million households. While the years have passed away, and fashions have changed, the principles contained within remain timeless. Growing Kids God’s Way continues to provide parents hope, encouragement and practical instruction in their duty of raising morally responsible and biblically responsive children. The curriculum serves parents of preschoolers through the pre-teen years. Here are the details:

1. Duration: 17 weekly meetings for 2 hours/meeting covering 3 sessions

  • Session #1-6 weeks
  • Session #2-6 weeks
  • Session #3-5 weeks
					Total  17 weeks 

2. Start Date: Wednesday, October 10, 2018 at 6:30 p.m.

3. Curriculum: Growing Kids God’s Way by Gary and Anne Marie Ezzo, published by Growing Families International

4. Class Location:  Kingdom Business Offices, 11236  86th Ave. No., Maple Grove, MN 55369

5. Class Cost:

  • Single parent--$100/session
  • Single parent discount--$250/all 3 sessions
  • Couple-$150/session
  • Couple discount--$350/all 3 sessions

6. Curriculum Cost: One time charge of $25/parent covering all 3 sessions (each parent needs their own manual)

7. Childcare is not provided

8. Maximum number of parents: 12 on “first come-first served” basis

9. Registration deadline: Wednesday, October 3, 2018

If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “I could really use some help in parenting my child. I wish there was someone I could talk to, someone who would have some answers,” you don’t need to go it alone. We are here to help you.

Register by email: or text: 612-499-3744 and let us know of your interest or questions.

Raising the next generation through biblical principles,
