August 1, 2019 @ 9:00 AM
Irv and I recently took a road trip to Kentucky where we visited the Creation Museum in Petersburg and the Ark Encounter in Williamstown. Both are sponsored by the Answers in Genesis ministry which is led by CEO and founder Kenneth Ham. Ken is an Australian Christian fundamentalist, young earth creation apologist, and he lives in the United States. Ken Ham’s stated goal is to help and encourage Bible-believing Christians to know how to defend biblical creation. Both attractions present the salvation message and evidence that throughout God’s Word points to salvation through Jesus Christ.
This was a long anticipated as well as outstanding inspirational experience. Irv and I are sign readers. With every turn through the Ark...
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August 1, 2019 @ 9:00 AM
Whenever I hear the term “idol” my mind immediately conjures up the image of a large golden statue in the form of a distorted human with multiple arms. It probably goes back to images I’ve seen of the idols worshiped in India. Most of us think of idols as statues made of silver or gold or carved out of wood usually in the shape of a human being but idols are more than physical statues, aren’t they? Idols are anything we worship and which displaces the Lord as God in our lives. Surely, then, Christians should have no problem with idols since we worship the Lord God (YHWH). After all worshiping an idol is a violation of the second commandment, “You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is ...
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August 1, 2019 @ 9:00 AM
What is stress? Is all stress bad for us? What is the connection between stress and anger? How does anger trigger sexual acting out? These are important questions to answer.
First, what is stress? Stress is the body’s natural reaction to demanding situations. Here’s how the dictionary defines it: a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. During stress response, your heart begins to race, breathing quickens, muscles tighten, and blood pressure rises. You’ve gotten ready to act. It is how you protect yourself. So stress is our reaction to being threatened. Adrenalin, the “fight or flight” drug, is secreted by the adrenal glands when we are ...
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August 1, 2019 @ 9:00 AM
A typical funeral mentioned in the Bible lasted for seven days or, in the case of important figures like Moses, for 30 days (Deuteronomy 34:8). They knew the importance of grieving and releasing emotions. After the loved one was buried, they put on sackcloth (think of the coarseness of burlap), covered themselves in ashes, threw dust in the air, wept copiously, and wailed at the top of their lungs. Talk about purging the pain of loss, they knew how to grieve!
We are much less demonstrative in our grieving today. In the traditional funeral service, upon the death of a loved one, instead of sackcloth, we usually dress in black or dark colors. We have a wake or visitation the day before the funeral service, and a funeral the next day. The ...
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